MS Paint Adventures Wiki
Forum: Index > The Kernelsprite > Handheld skin

So one frequently overlooked aspect we have is the skin for mobile users. It of course isn't a high priority but still one at least worth noting. Everything considered, while we may take page layout on both Monobook and Oasis as a feature when working on something I don't think we should be bother attempting to do the same thing for the mobile skin, because it would be almost impossible to manage. That being said we can at least give the skin some functioning javascript and css.

Firstly, if you don't have a mobile device to check the wiki on but still want to check how it looks you can add ?useskin=wikiamobile to the end of a URL see the page, for example;

So the current situation is that neither [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] nor .js are used on the mobile skin, I copied (most of) their code over to [[MediaWiki:Handheld.css]] and [[MediaWiki:Handheld.js|.js]] and the results were mixed. While the addition of the javascript made a notable improvement to the layout, the .css didn't seem to have an impact what-so-ever. - The Light6 (talk) 08:35, June 28, 2014 (UTC)
