MS Paint Adventures Wiki

A placronymHS - a portmanteau of plaque and acronym, from -onym, meaning "name" - is an object used to record the names of characters in Homestuck. A name can be entered into the placronym by any observer, such as an MSPA reader or a troll viewing the character through their chat window.HS

It is traditional that a human is given their nameHS and has their placronym engravedHS on their 13th birthday (the equivalent for trolls being the anniversary of their larval awakeningHS); any attempt to enter a name into the placronym before this date will be rejectedHS, though it is apparently permitted for a name to be entered in the months following this birthday, such as in the cases of Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider and Jade Harley. Once named, a character will retroactively have had that name in the past as well.[citation needed]

"Incorrect" names will also be rejected from the placronym; a character knows and expresses disgustHS when an inappropriate name is entered, and though it is not clear which forces - other than authorial intervention - decide whether a name is correct or not, a character without the time for this sort of bullshitHS might intervene in the processHS by destroying an incorrect placronym themselves. A sleeping characterHS, unaware of the naming process taking place and thus unable to react, may at first seem to accept the wrong name being given to them, but the correct nameHS will still be given to them eventually.


On Alternia[]

Alternia itself was namedHS on a placronym; though in troll language it is actually written as Trollplanet.

It is not clear who, other than the reader, might have enteredHS Karkat Vantas' name; Lord English or Spades Slick, who both had access to an exile terminal through which to view him, are both possible candidates. The rest of Karkat's group had presumably already had their names entered by the time Hivebent began.

On pre-scratch Earth[]

Before being given their true names, an ongoing gag saw John Egbert called Zoosmell Pooplord, Rose calledHS Flighty Broad, Dave namedHS Insufferable Prick, and Jade referred toHS as Farmstink Buttlass. It is not clear who gave John and Jade their names, though either of their initial nicknames is consistent with their frequent troll Karkat.


Being introduced at age 16, Jane Crocker and her friends had already had their placronyms engraved years before, robbing the reader of the chance to call them something dumb like Barnstench FartfaceHS or Barfbreath TurdsmirkHS. Each of them kept their engraved placronyms somewhere in their rooms.

In Hiveswap[]

Rather than the kids or trolls, the player is given the opportunity to name Xefros Tritoh and Dammek's lusii.[image?] The names in these text boxes default to "Zoosmell" and "Cornibuster" respectively.
